Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 8

This week in biology I have learned the anatomy of Annelids and Amphibians through the process of dissection. The dissection was really fun, but it stunk at the same time... literally. This is so because of the "Carolina Perfect Solution" (not very perfect in smell) but it preserves the creatures exceptionally.

This isnt my frog because i forgot to take a picture of it, but
it is very similar in appearance to mine.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week 6

This week in biology we have studied nature and the organisms that live around us. Tuesday we went outside and were required to write down a total of 10 plants, and a variety of different animals and even insects. This opened my eyes as to how much life is all around us but we don't even notice much of it.

This is a drawing of a futuristic human we made to show
what we thought a human would look like in the year 4013
and the adaptations they would have made by then.