Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week 3

This week in biology, I have learned about multiple diseases. Some of these include: Huntington Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Type 2 Diabetes. The disease my project was on, Cystic Fibrosis, is a disease where a thick mucus covers the organs of and individual and makes it harder for them to do everyday activities.

This is a website I have used in my studies, you can find any disease very quickly and all the information for it is right there.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Weekly Biology Post

This week in Biology i have learned about alleles, and how putting the genotypes of two parents into a Punnet square can show the probabilaties of what traits are expressed by the offspring. Also, i have learned how to do this with multiple traits at once, called Dihybrid crossing. Lastly, i have learned how to do this with the different parents, XX being the girl and XY being the guy, and this is called X linked genes.

This is a link on dihybrid crossing. Within this page,
there are vidoes other people have made to help
the ones who are failing to grasp the concept of the
Punnett squares.

This is a simple representation on the X linked concept.